Manual Expenses make it easy to keep track of all of those business expenses. Quickly snap photos of your receipts on the go. Your receipts will be securely stored, so you won’t have to worry about losing them or having to piece together expenses at the end of the month or during tax season.
To begin, select your device:
Watch the brief video tutorial or keep scrolling for a step-by-step image tutorial!
Step 1: From the Everlance app, tap on '+' at the bottom of the screen.
Self-Employed: | Employees: |
Step 2: Tap 'Add Expense'.
Step 3: Enter information such as Purpose, Merchant, Categories, Notes and Tags. Once all the info for the expense has been entered, tap 'Save' at the bottom of the screen.
For employees you'll be able to select from company specific tags and categories.
For self-employed you can create custom tags and categories.
Watch the brief video tutorial or keep scrolling for a step-by-step image tutorial!
Step 1: From the Web Dashboard, click on 'Transactions'
Step 2: Click on 'New'.
Step 3: Click 'Expense'.
Step 4: Enter information such as Purpose, Merchant, Categories, Notes and Tags.
For employees you'll be able to select from company specific tags and categories.
For self-employed you can create custom tags and categories.
Step 5: Once all the info for the expense has been entered, click 'Save' at the top right corner of the screen and you're done!
Customer Support:
If you need to contact support or have questions, please check out our help center at or reach out at or by phone at (872) 814-6308 (USA) or (877)704-2687 (CAN). Our office hours are 9am-5pm EST Monday - Friday and 9am-1pm EST on weekends.
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